August 2023 Update

We are pleased to be able to share with you all, the latest update on the progress of our building renovations! Thanks to your generous support, we have achieved some significant milestones.

At this point we have successfully secured over £80,000 through a combination of grant applications, community fundraisers and the donations of our church and friends.

This means that we have been able to begin the first phase of our building work, which is the construction of the glass corridor that will run parallel to the kitchen. This will create discrete access to the kitchen, hall and a new meeting room, as well as creating space for the kitchen to be expanded.

While this is going on, we will be holding any hall activities in the main church building. Our builders have been fantastic, and the work is progressing apace.

We are incredibly grateful for all your support and have loved holding so many different fundraising events in the community. There is more to come this year, keep an eye out for a village car boot sale on the Common and a music evening in the Community Centre!

Thank you again for all your support. This project seemed like a huge task, almost an impossibility when we began. But we love our church and we love our community and with God’s help we are on our way.